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Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar

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The Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute (EIMV) is the leading Slovenian engineering and scientific research organisation acting in the area of electric power engineering, including nuclear power production. From the economic and technological perspective, it addresses the issues of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. The experts at the institute develop and prepare feasibility and implementation studies, expert reports, carry out technological, environmental and other analyses, inspect the quality and operation of electric power systems and facilities as required by electric power utilities, ministries and national as well as regional authorities. EIMV is authorised technical support organisation for nuclear safety and radiation protection to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority in Slovenia and is involved in nuclear safety evaluation for all nuclear facilities in Slovenia. So far, the Institute has carried out and published more than 2360 research studies and an even greater number of expert and measurement reports as well as test reports, expert opinions and assessments, and has implemented many applicative projects.

The institute also implements R&D projects on the EU (Horizon 2020) and regional levels.

Role in the project

The EIMV will cooperate in the execution of activities with regard to the following workpackages:

  • WP1: Rationales and frameworks for stakeholder engagement
  • WP2: Stakeholder engagement in practice
  • WP4: Competence building and dissemination
  • WP5: Secretariat

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